
展览预告| 未来营造学——诗意栖居原型展即将开幕

FuturePlus FuturePlus 2021-07-07



Future Place-Making: The Prototypes for A Poetic Habitat 




After creating an urban miracle in the past four decades, can Shenzhen still move towards the forefront of future model city?


"The construction industry is one of the only industries in our economy that has not increased productivity in the past 50 years." Similar to Elon Musk's judgment, the construction industry has been muddy water work in China for thousands of years.


This is a question to be faced and answered by the Shenzhen urban design and construction society, and it is also an extension deemed necessary by the builders of the Special Economic Zone.


Based on the extensive participation and observation of Shenzhen's planning and construction, as well as the future-oriented systematic thinking and exploration, the Futureplus Academy put forward a series of ideas, tools and prototypes for making the future poetic habitat, supported by the SEZ CONSTRUCTION GROUP and SHENZHEN YICHUANG INTERNATION DESIGN CO.. The exhibition also includes various ideas and explorations of future-oriented urban design in history, as well as current innovative practice cases emerging in China.






Section 01. 

My City: The CIIM Urban Design Workshop

01 另类罗盘:六维评估模型

The Alternative Compass: 6-Dimensional Assessment Model

作者: 未来+(董旭/梁东方) 

Author: Futureplus (Dong Xu, Liang Dongfang)

类型: 互动装置

Type: Interactive Installation


The traditional geomancy(fengshui) compass is a tool for the Chinese to assess the quality of the living environment. Contemporary urban planning, design, and construction are not only an issue of economic investment and spatial visual aesthetics, but also involve the impact on different groups of people, the impact on the ecological environment, the attitude towards historical and human resources, and the mechanism used to manage operations-these perspectives will affect the benefit evaluation of a construction behavior, and a tool to evaluate resources and impacts from these six dimensions is needed. Even if you are not the decision maker and designer of the construction project, you are only interested in cities and architecture, or just choose a community and house for living, you can use the alternative compass of 6-dimensional assessment to test your perception and judgement of space, to share and compare with others. 

02 信模算法:走向算计的城市设计

The CIIM Algorithm: Towards A Computing Urban Design

作者: 未来+栖居实验室 

Author: Futureplus Habitat Lab

类型: 图片/视频

Type: Picture/Video


Can the urban form shaping be completed through computing? The Futureplus Habitat Lab is convinced of this. Based on resource assessment and decoding of excellent urban spatial logic and mechanisms, it has developed a spatial algorithm and generation system-CIIM, which is continuously applied and upgraded in practical cases. The goal of CIIM is to turn the experience and professional skills of built environments into tools that everyone can use to play games or participate in real urban and rural construction. With the help of computing, urban design will be liberated from the current form shaping by a small number of individual subjective (including designers, clients and decision makers), and become a medium and process of multi-party participation, gaming and improving.

03 信模哒哒:触手可及的城市愿景

CIIM Dada: A touchable city vision within reach (interactive installation, author: Future + Habitat Laboratory)

作者: 未来+栖居实验室 

Author: Futureplus Habitat Lab

类型: 互动装置

Type: Interactive Installation


Urban planning and design has always been a high-threshold and long-term profession. To develop a piece of land requires programing, planning, and design for a long period of time (months or years!). only with different rounds of renderings, models, or videos, the ordinary people and decision makers generally understand how the land-changing will be. CIIM is a software and hardware integrated system that wants to solve this pain point. Its goal is: you circle the area of the map you want to change, tell CIIM your vision keywords, it will automatically generate virtual space model to meet your requirements through the algorithm in real time, and then‘print’ out the physical model. You can modify and optimize the results of the algorithm at any time, or you can change the physical model by hand until you and participants are satisfied and confirm the results at the CIIM Urban Design Workshop. You no longer have to (be) require(ed) representing and modifying the proposal round by round! 




Section 02. 

The Poetic Mobility & Dwelling: Traffic and City in Future


City Driven by Transit: What’s your choice?

作者: 未来+栖居实验室 

Author: Futureplus Habitat Lab, visitors

类型: 互动装置

Type: Interactive Installation


Looking back at history, the scale and structure of cities are deeply influenced by the new transit invented by mankind. More than a hundred years after the invention of the automobile, it has become the most important role in influencing and even controlling modern cities, bringing benefits and various urban problems such as congestion and isolation-no other traffic tool can compare with it. Therefore, if we want to know what the city will look like in the future, we must first compare and choose. What kind of traffic tool would surpass and replace cars in the future? Can you use stickers on the board to select the mobility that you think will most determine the future city?

05 个人捷运:有些悬有些飘?

PRT: Something suspended and floating? 

作者: 未来+栖居实验室 

Author: Futureplus Habitat Lab

类型: 模型/视频

Type: Model/Video


PRT is a kind of personalized and shared rapid transit that gradually appeared in the 1970s. It has applications in London Heathrow Airport and Masdar Low-Carbon City in the United Arab Emirates, and cities in South Korea and India PRT also are under development and construction. There are also university professors in China conducting research and development. PHST Personal Hanging Sliding Transit is an alternative PRT designed by Futureplus Lab. The goal is to seamlessly connect with the elevator hall and express box of the building. It can be booked by mobile phone and can freely roam over the city, mountain and shore without traffic lights, congestion and traffic accident, as well as environmental damage and spatial isolation caused by road construction.

06 移居未来

The Mobility & Dwelling in Future

作者: 未来+

Author: Futureplus 

类型: 视频

Type: Video


Looking forward to the future is a fictional ability of mankind since ancient times, scattered in numerous texts, pictures, and films. The imagination of the futural city is mainly about the moving and living. Today when traffic jams and real estate have become the biggest social anxiety, can you imagine a way of moving and living more freely and even integrate into one system, so that each of us can live by water and grass, homesickness, and mood?




Section 03

Low Impact Model: The New Models for Low Carbon and Green

07 干栏栖居

Ganlan Habitat

作者: 未来+

Author: Futureplus 

类型: 拼图

Type: Collage


Ganlan(stilted building) in Chinese refers to the "nesting" way for humans to leave the ground to avoid humidity, heat and other hazards. From the remains of the ancient Hemudu Ganlan settlement to the common stilted buildings in southwestern China and Southeast Asia, as well as the open ground floor advocated by modernist architecture, they are all manifestations of the Ganlan habitat. The value of Ganlan for future urban architecture lies in: reducing dependence and destruction on the ground, being able to accommodate the existing natural ecological or cultural and historical elements of the original site, and being a lower-carbon, low-impact new urban development method.


Pop-up Building Strategy

参与: 中建科技,董灏/蓝冰可,



China State Construction Technology, Dong Hao/Binke Lenhardt, Fan Zesen, He Chuan, People Architect, Zhu Yimin

类型: 创新实践

Type:Innovative Practice


From the shortage of school for Shenzhen’s kids to the global fight against the Covid 19 pandemic, building as soon as possible is the challenge for architecture, and pop-up building is a strategy that must be researched and prepared. The pop-up school in 2019 UABB sub-venue curated by Futureplus , the various makeshift hospitals named “Huoshenshan”(Fire-God Mountain) or“Leishenshan” (Thunder-God Mountain) in 2020 are all application cases of the pop-up building strategy.


Light Steel Low Carbon

作者: 谢英俊 

Author: Hsieh Ying-Chun

类型: 创新实践

Type: Innovative Practice


The light steel structure system developed by the architect Hsieh Ying-chun is a lower carbon, fast and open construction system that allows more people to participate. This system is derived from the practice of supporting homeland reconstruction after the earthquake, and its enlightenment value to China's urban and rural economic construction, as well as the reform and innovation of architectural theory and practice, is far from fully realized.

10  3D打造

3D Building Print

作者: 徐卫国

Author: Xu Weiguo

类型: 创新实践

Type:Innovative Practice


The 3D concrete printing has redefined the construction and has brought the construction as thousands of years antient industry to the stage of digital revolution. Prof. Xu Weiguo and his team from Tsinghua University has taken the lead in completing a number of explorations (printing gardens/walking bridges/buildings/parks) in China and is driving technological innovation in China's construction industry.

11  停车公园

Parking Park

作者: 未来+栖居实验室(陈昊) 

Author:Futureplus Habitat Lab(Chen Hao)

类型: 图绘

Type: Drawing


Compared with expensive underground parking garages and exposed under summer hot sun parking lots, parking parks are an innovative concept and product that simultaneously solves parking needs and insufficient public space. It integrates the most reasonable light steel structure, hydraulic lifting, parking robots, light soil cultivation technology and innovative design, including parking lane/hill/tower/park and other series, which solves the problem of parking and public spaces or landscapes conflicts by each other on the same treasurable land, provides the most economical parking solution that can be dismantled or repurposed.




Section 04. 

 Urban Farm: The Landscape and Food

12  社区花园

Community Garden

作者: 刘悦来,四叶草堂

Author: Liu Yuelai,Siyecao Hall 

类型: 创新实践

Type:Innovative Practice


Community garden is a way and result for residents to participate in, use idle land and space in corners, and improve the quality of the surrounding environment. Its significance lies in the ability of residents to play a main role in the quality of urban space. A series of community garden practices led by Prof. Liu Yuelai of Tongji University and Siyecao Hall are very inspiring popularization of gardening, community place-making and social innovation.

13  屋顶种植

Roof Farm




The Nature Conservancy, Taohuayuan Ecological Protection Foundation, Local Wisdom, Shenzhen Urban Planning and Design Institute, Lianhegongshe

类型: 创新实践

Type:Innovative Practice


Are urbanization and agricultural production either one or the other in terms of land space? Even at the roof of the buildings of the villagers in Shenzhen Urban Village, which is as small as 100 square meters, it is possible to return the agriculture which more and more far always from cities to urban area, communities and even families. In 2017, the Nature Conservation Society (TNC), Taohuayuan Ecological Protection Foundation, together with Local Wisdom youth apartments, Shenzhen Urban Planning and Design Institute, and Lianhegongshe launched the "Yugong Plan 2.0-Gangxia 1980 Sponge City Green Roof Demonstration project. Shenzhen roofs still need more such beautiful roof farms.

14  肥田综合体

Composting Complex

参与: 未来+ (陈雪,张春蕾等),


Participants: Futureplus(Chen Xue, Zhang Chunlei), Commoner Construction(Nie Chen)

类型: 互动装置

Type: Interactive Installation


Garbage stations, public toilets and substations are the most common Nimby or disgusting facilities in the community, and they often occupy more important positions. For example, many precious central vacancies in urban villages have to deal with these facilities. Turning the resources of public toilets and garbage stations into treasures to grow plants and even vegetables and grains is an upgraded application of traditional agricultural "fertile and water farming". In the future+2017, a public toilet/garbage station/substation integrated composting complex was implemented in Shangwei Hakka Village, Longhua District, and explored the possibility of turning abominable facilities into a low-carbon emission reduction landscape in the community.




Section 05. 

Think about the future together: 

hands-on participation

15  移动城市

Nomadic Cities


無界艺术:豆嘉欣 唐彦楠,

深圳湾学校:罗万琦 谭添翼 王悦欣 颜铭纬 杨雅婷 杨子祺 

Unbound Studio: Jiaxin Dou, Yannan Tang

Shenzhen Bay School: Peter Luo, Terry Tan, Yoyo Wang, Kevin Yan, Cathy Yang, Andy Yang

类型: 装置

Type: Installation

许多科幻小说作品中,城市不再是根植在土地上的人造物,比如在科幻小说《致命引擎》中,为了解决生存资源匮乏的问题, 城市变成了穿梭在旷野上的巨型机器。我们的“移动城市”由三件作品组成:银空之城,叠架方舟,掠食引擎。


In Philip Reeve’s novel “Mortal Engines”, futuristic steam punk cities become giant machines striving to survive in a world running out of resources, and challenges us to contemplate the possibilities of such a nomadic life. Our “Nomadic City” is a trilogy: Silver City, Folded Ark, Mortal Engine.

Silver City is an industrial city on elevated plains, different districts of the city are stacked up to maximize usable area. Folded Ark is a vertical high-tech city striving to maintain the humanitarian values of the pre-apocalyptic times. Mortal Engine is a predatory city with strong military forces, providing its citizens a safe harbor in times of conflict.



One day, cities become hungry,

and start attacking each other.

16  绘写未来

Draw the Future

作者: 观众 

Author: Visitors

类型: 互动墙

Type: Interactive Wall


The future is neither preset nor linear but is the consensus and manifestation of everyone after participating. Although the space for this small exhibition is limited, everyone's endless imagination of the future can also be expressed and displayed. Please pick up the pen and paper provided by the exhibition hall, together with poets who fantasize about the future, write down or draw your future ideas or imagination! Work together to complete this wall of the future.

17  未来学校:银湖二小

Future Campus:Yinhu Second Primary School

设计总包: 壹创国际

Architect: Yichuang International Design

类型: 创新实践

Type:Innovative Practice



The emphasis in future education is to let children think through their own senses. There are a variety of study Spaces and communication Spaces in this project, so that children can better communicate, study and inspire inspiration. S.T.E.A.M education allows children to give full play to their imagination and creativity, thus improving their overall abilities.From the perspective of students' all-round development, the school architecture design takes into account children's age characteristics and psychological characteristics, and creates a life-oriented and human-oriented interactive learning space.The important idea of new school design is to take the school as a small ecosystem as far as possible, and take this as an opportunity to infiltrate environmental education into school material culture.

 Architects have designed the concepts of "time", "ecology", "education", "attitude" and "story" to form the concept of "present and future". As Chuang Tzu described: there are stars and birds in the harmony of nature, there are water, wind and trees in the harmony of earth, there are songs and feelings in the harmony of people. The house, which has a good relationship with the surrounding ecology and is integrated with the nature, is self-disciplined and concise, forming the largest bearing and the best architectural atmosphere. 










策展团队The curatorial team:

未来+学院Futureplus Academy

(黄伟文 陈雪 董旭 陈昊 梁东方 Huang Weiwen, Chen Xue, Dong Xu, Chen Hao, Liang Dongfang)


展览出品 Exhibition Producer:

严定刚 Yan Dinggang

展览执行 Exhibition Execution:

张静宇  Zhang Jingyu








模型制作Model making: 


视频剪辑Video clip:


平面设计Graphic design:


打印制作Printing & Installation:


媒体支持media support: 


未来 + 学院  是一所面向中国城乡问题,融研究、教学与实践于一体的非正规学院。学院应用批判思维、设计思维和系统思维,探索村城营造——一种适用乡村与城市的规划建设方法,系统提升城乡品质。未来+在创新教育同时,还以“空间智库”方式介入实践,以“栖居实验室”负责研发。目前研发产品和工具包括六维资源/影响评估、六维城市互动智能模型、六维村城营造课程。未来 + 学院学员对象主要为愿意摆脱惯性思维和路径依赖、致力于提升栖居品质的人,包括学生、专业者、管理者和爱好者。

